Our products are a quickly and easily disposable. biodegradable tray, suitable to use in all conditions. After using i-ecopet's products a few times, you cannot imagine going back to washing and drying out your old litter box again. Asking your relatives and neighbors to look after your pet while you are on a holiday can be such a hassle, so make everybody happy and buy a set of i-ecopet's products.
The Future of disposable products is here!
The i-ecopet is the branding from the cooperation between iQubegroup ,Thailand and Ecopetbox , Estonia. Giving new life to wastepaper is our passion and our goal for the sake of a cleaner environment.
Our products are produced from 100% biodegradable recycled paper that is both environmentally friendly and good for your beloved pet.
i-qubegroup , E-copetbox
Why vet cLinicS and ANIMAL shelters need our products ?
reduce the spread of bacteria
CEO / Founder
Vet clinics and animal shelters are in need of products, that are easy to use and reduce the spread of bacteria, i-EcoPet products are excellent for such needs.
No need for disinfectants , chemical uses.
No need for washing and convenient & easy to use.
Significantly reduces the spread of bacteria and diseases.